Thursday, December 1, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

The sketch that was chosen for my next 2D-Design project. He actually told me that my sketches were excellent and I could choose whichever I wanted. You have no idea how happy I was to hear that.

These two sketches above were considered, but in the end I decided not to use them. They still look really cool on their own, though.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Portrait of a friend of mine (Adele). She actually wears her hair in a braid, but I ran out of time to draw it.  Oh well, maybe next time...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Condiments of a sandwich that I didn't eat, ha ha!
Some sketches of my friends and floor-mates (starting from the top left corner going clockwise: Zoe; Nick; Phil; Rachel).
A doodle of my friend, Garrett, who was so happy the day Bobby Chiu gave us inspirational words at Ringling's  Digital Painting Sketch Club.

He literally had to hug someone (Jacob), he was so happy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The initial sketch for a 2D-Design project. In the end I zoomed out to include more elements, but I still like this drawing.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The two best portraits from my first Portrait Night at Ringling.
My first self-portrait with my new haircut. Our teacher wanted us to be concerned with proportions rather than likeness.

Getting Used To This...

This is my first time creating a blog, so it's taking a while getting used to. But, before I start posting everything under the sun here, I wanted to describe the purpose of this blog.

This blog isn't meant for portfolio quality work--what it's meant for is the not-so-high-quality-never-ever-going-into-my-portfolio-sketchy-of-sketchiness-sort-of work. In other words, consider these whatever you will (assignments, scribbles, drawings) but in the end they're just doodles..."doda doodles".
Practice with gestures (and some silliness with my friends).
Modest Hand Study